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BA (Hons) Applied Theatre and Community Drama Course Overview BA (Hons) Applied Theatre and Community Drama  Course Overview

This course will not be running in September 2025.

Our course recognises theatre’s potential to bring about social change. We want you to be an accomplished facilitator, director and theatre practitioner. Someone capable of creating meaningful drama for, with and by different communities.

In this highly practical course, you collaborate with community groups, charities and the voluntary sector as you learn.

Accredited By:

Accredited by Federation of Drama Schools

What You Will


  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Student


    "Working with community groups, charities and educational organisations is the best part of the course, getting to do that work while being mentored and guided, and it’s really well paced so you’re not thrown in at the deep end."

    Lottie Lazenby - (Graduated 2022)

    Lottie Lazenby Quote Icon
  • Student


    "My training at LIPA helped me gain confidence to understand, meet and work with the most vulnerable of people. "

    Florence McCudden - Outreach caseworker and kindergarten teacher in Ghana. (Graduated 2016)

    Florence McCudden Quote Icon
  • Student


    "We did so many different things while we were at LIPA. We were out in the community, making theatre and writing, as well as our own professional development. It gives you a very versatile and very useful tool box."

    Machteld De Ruyck - Older peoples’ manager, Leeds Playhouse (Graduated 2014)

    Machteld De Ruyck Quote Icon
  • Student


    "The knowledge and ethos that LIPA staff instilled in us has also been vital to my career."

    Lolli Fallon - Producer and event/project manager (Graduated 2012)

    Lolli Fallon Quote Icon

How You Will


  • Practical Workshops
    Practical Workshops
  • Supervised projects with community groups
    Supervised projects with community groups
  • Independent community-based projects
    Independent community-based projects
  • Independent study
    Independent study
  • Group Work
    Group Work
  • Lectures
  • Tutorials
  • Masterclass
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   at AspNetCore.Views_Partials_grid_editors_base.ExecuteAsync() in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\lipa\Views\Partials\grid\editors\base.cshtml:line 11

What Our

Graduates Do

Our graduates work in theatre outreach programmes, prisons/probation service and within the education, youth and social work networks. Their career achievements have included:

Holly Campbell (2018)

Arts facilitator for indigenous community groups in New South Wales, Australia

Liam Smaje (2018)

Facilitator and workshop leader, he has worked with schools, refugees in Greece and ex-offenders.

Jake Liken (2016)

Founder, Community Objectives CIC

Florence McCudden (2016)

Outreach caseworker and kindergarten teacher in Ghana.

Shannon Merwick (2016)

Restorative justice facilitator at Remedi, Derbyshire.

Shannon Wild (2015)

Activities coordinator at a Liverpool care home for elderly people with dementia and director with Musical Youth.

Annie Neat Farnfield (2016)

Drama youth arts coordinator with Merseyside Youth Association

Ferne Collins (2015)

Runs her own Footlights theatre schools

Megan Hopper-Layton (2015)

Creative associate at Seven Stories, the National Centre for Children’s Books. Seven Stories won Best Lockdown Project at the 2020 Museums Change Lives Awards.

Asha Richardson (2015)

Runs charity Ankoma Outreach connecting schools in the UK and Ghana. She also runs a Razzmatazz theatre school in Penrith.

Kacey Baker (2014)

Activities coordinator with Cheshire Young Carers.

Machteld De Ruyck (2014)

Older peoples’ manager, Leeds Playhouse

Gwennan Mair Jones (2014)

Director of creative engagement at Theatr Clwyd, which won The Stage Regional Theatre of the Year Award for 2021 for its work during lockdown. She is also a member of Arts Council of Wales.




UCAS tariff points required from level 3 qualifications

For example:

  • Two A Levels at grade B, C or above
  • BTEC Extended Diploma: MMP  
  • BTEC Diploma: DM
  • T Level: P (C+) 
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma: Pass including 72-80 points from Higher Level subjects

You also need 5 GCSEs grade 4/C or above including English and Maths or Level 2 equivalents.

Mature applicants (aged 21+): if you do not hold the qualifications listed but have relevant work experience, you are welcome to apply. Your application will be considered on an individual basis.


IELTS or above

You need to meet our English language requirement - a minimum of IELTS 5.5 for each of the 4 individual components (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening). We also accept other English language examination equivalents. You can find out more about English Language requirements here 

You also need academic qualifications at the same level as UK applicants. You can find out more about qualifications from specific countries here

Mature applicants (aged 21+). If you do not hold the academic qualifications but have relevant work experience, you are welcome to apply.  

Educational qualifications are important but limited in what they can tell us about you.

Your natural ability, your fit with what and how we teach, your growth and your potential are also key factors in our admission process. We can’t evaluate these solely on your educational achievements, so no matter which course you are applying for, we look for the following attributes on your application and at the interview stage.




Knowledge, Ability and Experience

We’d like you to show us that you’re interested in working in Applied Theatre or Community Drama and any experience you may have which is relevant. If you’ve been involved in any relevant projects, please tell us about these. We’d be interested to hear about any experience you may have of leading workshops. We’re looking for some expressive capability in drama, so we want to hear about your involvement in performing or theatre making.



We’re keen to hear about how you’ve pursued your interest in Applied Theatre and Community Drama by looking for opportunities to perform and/or work with community groups. We understand that distance or cost may have stopped you from gaining formal experience, so we also like to read what you have done to connect to this area and why you are interested in studying it.


Ability To Work Effectively with Others

While you’re with us (and in your professional work) you’ll work with a range of people – students, teachers and industry professionals, so it’s essential that you can work well with others. We’d like to see that you can take direction and feedback well, listen to others and offer support and constructive feedback.


Broad Interest and Engagement

We look for evidence that you are curious about the world around you and want to engage with all aspects of the course you’re applying for and the wide range of opportunities we offer.



We’d like to know why you’re applying to us and how you think the course you’re applying for will help you to grow and achieve your career aspirations. We’d like to see that you understand your strengths and weaknesses and how we can support you.


A Spirit of Enterprise

We want you to be able to work on your own initiative and see that you’re interested in creating your own opportunities. You may have been involved in creative projects which weren’t part of your regular school/college curriculum, or if you haven’t had the chance to do this, you might have ideas and ambitions which you can tell us about.

  • "It was a pleasure to work with such an engaged and engaging bunch of students. Their energy and skill will stand them in the best stead for their futures."

    Adrian Jackson
    Creator and director of Cardboard Citizens

    Adrian Jackson Quote Icon
  • "LIPA is such a marvellous place to be associated with. We were so impressed by the students’ enthusiasm and openness."

    Mary Ward
    Ambassador, guardian and co-founder of inclusive theatre company Chickenshed

    Mary Ward Quote Icon
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   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewComponents.DefaultViewComponentHelper.InvokeCoreAsync(ViewComponentDescriptor descriptor, Object arguments)
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Course Changes

For information on possible changes to course information, see our course changes information

View the programme specification on the LJMU course catalogue here