Our experienced Student Wellbeing team is comprised of a Mental Health Adviser, a Senior Wellbeing Officer and qualified Counsellors. The team provides confidential support and counselling services to help you cope with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and other mental health concerns. Whether you need short-term counselling, crisis intervention, or referrals to external organisations, we're here as a listening ear to support you every step of the way.
Please note, the Student Wellbeing and Disability service is not an emergency service. If you need urgent mental health support or if you are in crisis, please access the Crisis Support page, where you can find information about how to access emergency support, as well as local and national support services.
What support is available at LIPA for my wellbeing and mental health?
The service offers the following wellbeing and mental health support to students:
- Initial wellbeing assessments
- 1-1 counselling, in person or online
- 1-1 coaching (pilot launching in autumn 2024)
- Mental health 1-1s
- Face to face wellbeing drop-in sessions
- Student Support Documents (SSDs), outlining reasonable adjustments for students with mental health conditions and disabilities
- Referrals to external organisations
- Long term monitoring of high-risk students
- Liaison with department and course staff
- Proactive workshops and group sessions
How can I access support?
If you have disclosed a mental health condition on application or enrolment, the Student Wellbeing Team will invite you to attend a Wellbeing Assessment, so we can find out more about your needs and any specific support you may require. The team can also support you with any reasonable adjustments you may need in relation to a mental health condition or disability.
You can also self-refer into the service at any time during your studies. If you would like to make an appointment to discuss wellbeing support or to access counselling, please click the link below.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Student Wellbeing and Disability Team offers an initial wellbeing assessment to any student who approaches the service for support with their mental health and/or wellbeing. The assessment provides you with the opportunity to share any concerns you may have and your reasons for accessing support in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space.
The member of staff will listen empathetically, and alongside providing advice and guidance, they will be able to signpost you on to a range of appropriate support and interventions. This could include access to self-help materials, workshops or groups, referral to the counselling service or referral to external agencies.
The team understands the importance of confidentiality, and your Personal Tutor and department will not be informed when you make an appointment with the team, unless you have asked for this to be shared.
When you meet with the team, we will discuss your preferences for what information about you is shared and with who. The team will respect the confidentiality of the information you provide us with, and we will always try to obtain consent to share information in the first instance, unless there are serious concerns about your welfare or the welfare of others. In a small number of cases and in exceptional circumstances, LIPA may decide to contact a student’s Trusted Contact without consent, if it is in the student’s best interests. In this instance, staff will follow the process outlined in the Trusted Contacts Policy.
The team keeps confidential records about the decisions about any information sharing they have taken, including:
- What information they have shared
- Who they have shared it with
- The rationale behind the decision to share or not share information.
You can find information relating to local and national support services, as well as specialised support services on the Wellbeing & Disability Resource Hub