Interested in studying a performing arts subject at university in 2026?
A three-day residential summer school
23rd - 25th July 2025
Engage in a taste of first year life. Experience student accommodation. Explore LIPA and Liverpool. GET SET to take the next step.
What do you do on Get Set?
- Engage in practical skill-building workshops in your chosen area from Acting, Dance, Music, Musical Theatre, Theatre Design/Production.
- Gain insights into the application process for university and student finance.
- Prepare for auditions and interviews, through our information sessions and mock auditions/interviews with helpful feedback.
Is Get Set for you?
This summer school is for students who are currently in Year 12 or equivalent and will be under the age of 18 at the end of July 2025. To join us you must also meet one of the following eligibility criteria:
- Live in a postcode where participation in higher education has traditionally been low. Use our online postcode checker to see if you are eligible.
- Be Black, Asian or from an ethnically diverse background.
- Be in local authority care or have previous experience of being in care.
Please use the postcode checker below to see if you live in an area where participation in higher education has traditionally been low. We look at three measures (POLAR 4, IMD, TUNDRA) and your postcode must be classified as Quintile 1 for one of these.