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Multiple dates throughout March 2025 on Microsoft TEAMS

Interested in our Postgraduate Courses for 2025 Entry?

Join us for our series of hour-long online information events covering MA Acting, MA Costume Design and Making and MA Music Industry Management. You will gain an in-depth view of your chosen subject, meet course leaders, ask questions tailored to your own circumstances, and get advice on fees and accommodation. Sessions are designed to fit around busy lives and take place at lunchtime and in the evening.  

All sessions are hosted on Microsoft TEAMS

MA Costume Design and Making and MA Music Industry Management
These events have currently passed. If you would like further information about this course before the next open event, we would be delighted to hear from you, please email

MA Acting
Tuesday 18 March: 19:00 

How to book

Our postgraduate open events are free but advance booking is essential. If you would like further information about our courses before the next open event, we would be delighted to hear from you, please email

OUR Location

OUR Location

By Train

We are a 15-minute walk from Liverpool Lime Street and Liverpool Central train stations.

Timetable information is available at or by ringing 03457 484 950.

By Bus

For bus timetable information from various parts of the city and for a journey planner, please visit or ring Traveline on 0871 200 2233.

From the M62

At the end of the motorway, follow the signs for the city centre and then for the cathedrals.

At the Metropolitan Cathedral, turn left, head along Hope Street towards the Anglican Cathedral, and then turn right on to Upper Duke Street.

LIPA is on your right-hand side.

Car Parking

Pay and display parking is available on many nearby streets including parts of Mount Street, Pilgrim Street, Hope Street and Rodney Street (please check signage, as some bays are reserved for resident permit holders).

This on-street parking is currently free after 6pm, or at all times for Blue Badge holders.

Additional parking for Blue Badge holders is available in our lower car park, which is accessed via Pilgrim Street. These spaces are available on a first come, first served basis.

For sat navs, LIPA’s postcode is L1 9HF.

Additional information on local car parks is issued with booking confirmations.

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