Overview about Access and Participation Plans
From September 2018, any university of college that wants to charge tuition fees for home/EU undergraduates above the basic level must have an Access and Participation plan that has been approved by the Office for Students. Access and participation plans set out how higher education providers will improve equality of opportunity for underrepresented groups to access, succeed in and progress from higher education.

Our Access and Participation Plan for 2025-26 to 2028-29 following Office for Students (OfS) guidance has been approved by the OfS.
The plan explains how we aim to improve equality of opportunity for underrepresented groups to access, succeed in and progress from LIPA. It includes our ambition for change, the measures we are putting in place to achieve that change, the targets we have set and the investment we will make to deliver our plan over the four year period. You will find the plan in the downloads below, along with our 2020-21 to 2024-25 Access and Participation Plan. You will also find an accessible summary of the plan in the downloads below.
We welcome feedback on our plan from current students, prospective students and any interested parties.
To provide feedback please email b.leventhall@lipa.ac.uk in the first instance.
Before the Office for Students was created, we were required to submit annual access agreements to the Office for Fair Access (OFFA). All of our previous Access Agreements can be found here